Friday, 20 January 2012

Year 13 Media Studies Ongoing Progress

Week Beginning 30th January 2012
All pupils will sit a mock exam next Friday (10th February). You need to revisit al topics for 1A in effort to fully prepare for this exam. Remember, you must be sure of the different examples you will be referring to from your productions at AS and A2.
Week beginning 6th February 2012
For those of you who missed today's lesson (Which was a large number of you), you will need to further develop your understanding of representation and the issues evolving from this. Some examples of theories you need to develop your understanding of are:
  • Dyer's Signs of character
  • Media Stereotyping
  • Representations and Absence
  • Laura Mulvey - 'The male gaze / Psychoanalytical theory'
You must relate your AS or A2 production to theories which concern representation. For example, you may analyse the opening sequence that you created in year twelve and consider how the characters and setting are represented. You must refer to specific examples ot support your points and ideas.

Year 11 Media Studies - Ongoing Progress

Week Beginning 7th May 2012
You will need to access the following clip and make notes to help you respond to questions 2 and 3 of the exam. Once you have done this, you need to develop two exemplar responses to these questions using this material.
Week Beginning 2nd March 2012
Your homework for this week is to answer the three set questions below, with specific reference to the James Bond sequence that we analysed in class. This clip can be revisited if necessary and accessed below:

1) Identify and explain two conventions that make this sequence recognisable as an Action Adventure film.
2) Explain how the following are used to create effects that are typical of the Action Adventure genre:
  • Cinematography
  • Mise-en-scene
  • Sound
  • Editing
Ensure that you highlight specific examples and discuss the effect that these have.
3) Discuss the representation of characters in the sequence.

Week Beginning 20th February 2012
Your homework for this week's lesson requires you to ensure that you complete all aspects of the weekly logs (This includes all lessons) as well as the most recent lesson on Friday 25th February in which you conducted your audience feedback. All weekly logs must be up to date by this lesson. You will have the opportunity to finish your evaluations and include the audience feedback during the lesson on March 2nd so please ensure that you have your production logs with you.
Week Beginning 6th February 2012
Ladies and gentleman, by the end of today's lesson, it is essential that you complete all aspects of your editing. This includes the incorporation of sound effects, sound diegetic sound, credits and all transitions and special effects. Your homework this week should be a very detailed weekly log which discusses how your sequence reflects you initial ideas and whether or not you think this is successful. This can be quite a general overview as we will be conducting audience feedback during the lesson after half term.
You also need to attempt the final evaluation of your sequence, although you will need to leave out the part which asks you to discuss your audience feedback. This must be word-processed. A plan for the essay can be seen below:

This must be 800 words in length and address the following areas:

1    Introduce the task – what have you had to do?
2    Introduce your chosen film genre (thriller) and identify some of the typical conventions.
a.     Discuss the Thriller sequences we analysed in lesson and how these use the conventions of the thriller genre  / opening sequences - refer to specific examples.
b.     What influences did you take from these films? Give specific examples.
            What was your main responsibility at each of the following stages?
a.     Planning
b.     Construction
      Introduce your chosen target audience and explain that you conducted market research to allow you to select a sub-genre based on the views and opinions of your audience.

5    What do you think are the main strengths of your production and what specific techniques did you use to create the right mood and atmosphere? Refer to specific examples of mise-en-scene, cinematography, sound and editing that you used.

6    What typical conventions did you use within your production – give specific examples and discuss how these helped you to create an effective product.

7    Discuss your audience feedback – give specific examples of what your peers had to say about your production. You will need to highlight specific examples of strengths and weaknesses.

8    Do you agree with your feedback? If so, why?

9   Is there anything that you would change about the production if you were to have the opportunity to do this task again?

To achieve an A grade (Level 4) , you must do each of the following things:

There is a detailed evaluation of the monitoring of decisions and revisions.
There is a detailed discussion of how the brief related to research into similar media texts and target
There is excellent understanding of the forms and conventions used in the production.
There is excellent understanding of the significance of audience feedback.
There is excellent ability to communicate.
There is a thorough evaluation of the success of the finished media text in meeting the original brief.
There is an accurate command of appropriate medium-specific terminology

Week Beginning 30th January 2012
All pupils will now be starting the editing process after completing all filming. Editing should take into consideration all the planning that has been completed in the pre-production stage, this includes:
  • The story-boarding
  • The shot list
All pupils will need to update their production logs and discuss all the work they have completed in today's lesson, making specific reference to decisions that have been made as well as their individual involvement. The weekly log should also take into consideration the editing decisions they have made, for example, which clips they have cut down, the transitions they have used and any thoughts in regards to soundtrack.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Welcome to Mr. Sears' Media & Film Studies Blog

Welcome to my Media and Film Studies blog which has been designed to help you further prepare for exams and coursework in year ten, eleven, twelve and thirteen. You will find available links and resources that can be used to help further develop your subject knowledge and understanding.

I hope you find it useful.

Mr. Sears